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curls for christ

curls for christ

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Life’s a ​dance...

...twirl in

God’s Truth

For every loosed woman seeking to freely dance in the convicting love & ​redemptive power that Jesus Christ has deposited into her life - Welcome!


Hey Curlfriend! Welcome! Dancing Curl is where ​my artistry meets my Christianity. I share the ​redemptive, healing, and transformative power of ​Christ in my life through movement, spoken word, ​& contemplative convos. A proud godmommy to ​three little humans, a self-published children’s ​book author, and a postpartum doula, I am just ​taking each day to dance and scribble in God’s ​great love!


why & How I Dance...

You have turned my mourning intodancing for me; You have taken off my ​sackcloth and clothed me with joy... ​Psalm 30:11 AMP


“But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and ​said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your ​infirmity. And He laid His hands on her, and ​immediately she was made straight, and glorified ​God.Luke 13:12-13 NKJV

So, let's danceunder the loving ​hand of our ​Father, carried ​out by our ​Savior, and ​guided by the ​Holy Spirit.

Hand Drawn Curved Line

As a Jesus-loving ​vlogger and dancer, ​I believe the ​importance of

my little spotlight is ​to show how God ​uses the real and ​raw of life to ​present the best of ​His nature in us.


I’m too flawed to be followed...so let’s just twirl together!

I’m too flawed to be followed...so let’s just twirl together!

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However you danced into this space, please take to heart that ​you are unconditionally loved, highly valued, and able to do all ​good things through Christ’s strength and will.

I am so glad you twirled this way, and want to stay connected ​through Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook.

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3011 Dancing Curl Ave., Texas, U.S.A.